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My blog, My say.


Hi, My name is Iszlee.
And I'm known as Ez.
I'm getting younger on 24 April every year.[16]
I love my girlfriend(s)/ boyfriend(s).

Shout Out Loud



The Love Ones
  • PůTeЯi Miςaah
  • [F][I][R][I][Y][A][H]
  • Aisha
  • Aidaa
  • Nadra
  • Ling(Daughter)
  • Jeffrey (Son)


    Do not take down the credits or I'm going to skin you alive if I see your blog using my skin w/o credits!

    Layout by: irislauxinyu

  • Kepada Mu
    Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 1:59 AM

    hmmphhh.. i skrng minta break.. i tk leh uh handle lagi... i tried to make it up for u but it seems that it cound't be any difference. i just cant think that we could go on anymore. u always tell me things. but nvr reach in my heart. what goes around come around babe... dah bnyk kali u kte yg i tk matang.. skrng i terus terang ngn u.. yg i tk nk jadi matang coz i am who i am. so be happy with it o r not thats ur problem.. u terima ke tk i tk peduli lagi... i dah tk tawu uhhh ape lagy nak dikatekan ngn u... hmmm.. i tried to make up the lost but nmpk dier u dah tk kisah lagy.. syg pun tkde di nmpk di hati dan di mata u... so now i will be saying that i am happy being with u, but to an extend, u dun try to push me over the limits. i am not a man of many words or a man who settle with violence

    Perkataan I Love You Semua Tiada di Permata mu. Janji-Janji Semua Adalah Angkaran Bualan saja tpy tiada saksi.

    Selamat Tinggal Kepdamu.. Harap Anda Akan terus dgn hidupmu. Semasa Kini, Cubalah Pikir balik Ape Sudah Berlaku. Bila Ku Berada Di Sebelahmu, kau tk pernah bilang masalah tersebut yg sedang berada di minda. Adakah itu caranya sebagai matair?

    Monday, March 29, 2010 at 4:02 AM

    well.. look at the time... now is 4.02.. i nvr sleep.. coz i cant sleep... wtf.. well.. if Fikriyah is to read this... i'm sorry for what i've done wrong to you... as u know that i love you..

    I feel guilty that day, of you waiting for me at causeway for 4 hrs.. I'm sorry, i admit that i am guilty.

    Sorry that I never pick up my phone nor message You.
    Sorry that I didn't fulfill Your Beloved Wishes.
    Sorry that My Promise wasn't going to be right always.
    Sorry that I Broke Ur Heart

    I Can't Forgive Myself For All The Wrong's I Have Done.

    Tell Me And I Will Do It For You.

    Your Wish Is My Desire,
    Your Soul Is My Soul,
    Your Dream Is My Dream,
    Your HeartBeat Is My HeartBeat,

    I'm Ready For It.

    I Love You

    I Hope You Know Of My Feelings.
    About All This.
    Your Tag Pic.
    I Can't Handle It.
    Even Though I'll Say Ouhkay,
    It Meant That You Are Leaving Me
    In Depress

    My Heart,
    Torn In Pieces,

    I Just Can't Face It,
    The Shame,
    The Pride,
    The Agony,
    The Anger,

    The Happiness,
    Came Into,

    My Smile,
    My Heart,
    My Love,
    My Happiness,
    My Dreams,
    My Promises,

    All Of This,


    Sadness Took Over My Heart,
    Tears Of Joy TurnIntoTears Of Sadness

    The Heart Of Smiling Was No Longer There,
    The Picture Of Us Together Shatters,
    Our Dream Too Shatters,

    Don't Leave Me Behind To Rot.

    ~Demoralizing State Of Youth~

    Friday, March 19, 2010 at 12:28 AM

    Sorry If It Took Long To Read..

    Wah..!! Went Work at 10.. till 3.. then stay awhile for an hr... then go up the raffles medical centre... then took my injection.. i tot there free.. the company pay.. but in the end i pay.. wth.. larhh.... nvm.. call my mom... then ask her if can pay for me first... lols.. she say okayh.... then at 6+ mit her... .. ummm i will firstly start at kfc of what happen... at first.. i was doing floor then awhile ltr.. i throw a tray where got food still.. got a lady and teh daughter siting there jus tnow.. then when they get up and go out i tot finish so i throw away loh.. then they come back again.. then she scold me saying that she haven finish.. i was like wth? u nvr tell me or anyone to take care wat?.. so how would i noe that if it is finished or not?.. my job is to take and throw oni.. wth?.. lahh... nvm then i go talk to my Manager Angeline the big size boss of there. then i told her what happen.. then she replace the whole thing.. then she ask me stand 1 side.. then i stand loh.. coz i didn't do anything wrong what?.. my job sia.. lerh.. then after giving the meals she then talk to me saying that if u see got food still just leave there for 5 mins and come back.. who knows if the children need to go to the toilet or what.. then i say nod my head all the way uhh.. coz i dun wan to make her mad what.. lerh.. nvm larh.. then i go out.. talk to Johari... he doing floor with me.. hahas.. then i talk to him of what happen.. then i went to the back cont my wiping of trays.. then awhile ltr Johari come towards me again saying she call me again... then i say why kena call again sia? wat i do now?... then i go in... lerh... she asked me to help Salamah to arrange the milo and stack up nicely... then in my heart.. Phew... nvr kena scolding again.. this means she okay with me ledi.. hahas... then ltr on i went out again... back to the floor.. awhile ltr again she call me.. wah?... she now ask me to put the big bottle of soap for washing the toilet.. lerh.. it was like soo big... and heavy.. i stop2 to grab hold of it.. hahas... then finish.. no more helping again.. lols...

    Continuation Afternoon ledi.. hahas.. soo fast sia..

    I kena scolding again lols by another manager.. the big size Manager Angeline went back already and the another manager take over which is Manager Karen. she scold me coz i nvr wipe tray properly... then Manager Karen Scold me. wth.. lol.. then i say.. how i noe.. then i say wash more better.. hahas.. then she say go ahead.. then i go inside wash.. lols!.. then put aside.. then when i go out.. doing my usual things "Floor" i kena called up.. by another manager.. i forget her name.. she say., "ur washing of tray is good... but next time uhh u wash.. take a dry towel and wipe.. i just now wipe the whole tray coz u cant serve the customer with wet trays.. then i say.. sorry that i didn't do it properly.. then she say nvm lah... u can become a 1 star staff if u keep up the good work.. then i say okayh... " wah? i just started working and then she say u can become 1 star staff.. lols? soo fast? hahahs.. good loh if like that... hmm.. then onwards i nvr kena lecturing again.. hahas.. then when Aunt Aidah Came in.. i check back to the schedule.. i work from 10 -3pm.. lols... then it was like 3.15 pm then i go ask Manager Karen.. saying that i work till what time uh? 10 to 5 right? then she say yah.. but i say the schedule say 10-3what.. then now 3 ledi.. ouhh.. oakyh... u wan go home or what she say... then i say i slack here abit.. hahas.. help out all.. then she say okayh loh.. then 3-4 i help out.. then the another manager ask me.. ehk u nvr go home uhh?... then i say nvr uhh.. i wan help out.. then she say wahh.. if u cont doing like this.. u can be 1star faster.. lols? i say hahas good loh.. then i cont doing base.. wahhh.. then awhile ltr i kena marah again.. wth? coz of the cheese fries.. i anyhow do..

    Btw.. Got New Guy Working There! Hahahahs.!!

    then i help him... he doing base... while helping doing the fries. i kena marah coz of the cheese..
    the cheese suppose to have 2 lines, Left and Right like number 11 like that.... i do swirl2 wth.. hahas... then it was like 4.. then i say.. malas uhh.. i go oni uhh.. always kena marah.. i say to all i blurr uhh today... dunnoe why.. haizz...then say bye to all.. ouh yah before that.. i argue with Iskndar... same as my big brother name... hahas.. i argue about the fries.. he say u cannot do this.. then i say my pasal uhh.. he say to me.. u say that one more time.. i say my pasal uhh.. then he say.. u own this whole restaurant uhh? u pay for the cheese uhh? u pay for the fries uh?.. then i was like wtf sia?... knn ccb...then i buat bodoh.. take my bag.. walk out.. hmmph.. fedup.. go out and smoke outside causeway..dun care kena or nvr kena tangkap.. go die.. i stress out there... then i go up go raffles go take typhoid vaccination..

    Raffles Medical Centre
    Lerh.. then i come here.. pass my paper for typhoid to the counter.. blah blah blah.. malas to talk abt it... then my number cut short... the doc talk2 to me all.. then poke the needle in me.. lol.. when the fluid go in oni i can feel the thing sia.. hahas.. BISE AH BABE! AFTER LONG TIME.. hahahhas.. then went out put my result at a tray near the counter and sat down at the couch... then awhile ltr, my name call out and she overlook my paper.. she say ouhhh.. u nid to pay coz we are not the family clinic of KFC.. I Was LIke WTH!... She say wheater i can pay now.. i say that i never bring any money with me.. then i request that i pay tmr.. then she say okayh.. then blah blah blah call my mom.. ask if she can help me pay my typphoid.. it cost me 27$+.. lols?.. haiyooo... then he say okayh.. mit her at 6.. alrh.. mls to talk long2 uhh.. cut short..

    I met up with hafiz and sarihann near cp.. then we ekoms at the blok.. then my matair call my hp.. lol.. then she say that she saw me with the bag white in colour.. i say yah.. and uee were siting near timezone right?.. yah.. hahas.. i saw u but i tegur awhile coz i miting my frend... lerh.. then she majok.. then i say that i wan to mit her uhhh.. she say dun wan uhh.. u tak tegur uat aperh nak jumpe.. me: larh.... jumpe uhh.. jgn giny seh... then blah blah blah... 3 of us go cp.. wait outside boots and shoes.. then i saw 3 girls near the payphone infront of us.. then i say thats her alright.. hahas..n she's the smallest among them... hahas..then blah2.. msg her to come to us but nvr come.. haiyooo.. then they go jln go to the ladies room.. then while walking, She Keep looking at me sia.. lols?.. then blah2... very strange sia.. matair ledi but malu2.. lols... the out of nowhere she was near the delifrance.. hahas?... well.. then i folow oni uhh along with my frend.. btw.. that time while waiting, Rashid come and Shafiq Come.. hahas... then we go to 1 pillar... she was like at the sliding door.. then blah2.....long story cut short.. she come nearer to me then my frend force me to go.. lols they push me then i was beside her.. we were like in the middle of the place there.. hahas.. then we talk.. She all the way keep quiet sehh.. but i keep asking her to talk.. lols the reply was.. dah bual2 dah or bual2 lah niee.. hahas.. funny sia.... then soon the frend gtg.. left she along with us.. then i say to her nak gy aner? she say wan go payphone awhile.. then blah2.. too long again.. haiyoo.. cut to the story.. after my mom mit me and giv me 50 to pay for the typhoid thiggy and get my cert.. me and my gangs involve with my syg went down again to kfc to give the cert of my vaccination. then blah.. i ask my brothers to wait outside kfc awhile coz i nid go down to the foot message place to give the change back to my mom.. hahas.. then i quickly run up the stairs.. haizz.. then i took my bag which was beside my syg and then chiaooz from there.. we go civic then go the block behind there.. we lpk at 1 hall near the kopitiam.. i was siting with my syg and hafiz with shafiq and sarihann with rashid.. then ...............................lols.. then at 8 Syg gtg.. then sent her back to the station... she took bus.. then while waiting for the bus to arrive i talk to her.. hahas.. ny frends all siting down ledi. soo tired hahas..rashid leg kena injured dunnoe how ... shafiq tired ledi.. haizz.. lahh.. then bus come then i........................ blah blah blah.... hahahahahas.. u guys no nid to noe btw... hmm then aft went back home... rashid and shafiq take bus.. me sarihann and hafiz walk back home.. then rashid say he terserempak with my mom.. then talk2 hahas. then we went lpk at the trusted place... till 10+ hahas... then rashid showed me a kewl trick of his.. cant tell uhh.. i was really amaze sia.. hahas.. jakon nak ktekan.. hahas.. then aft that lpk other place coz ampai got.. lols.. then we move to other place and lpk there.. haizz.. then at 10.30+ went back home.. haizz... blah2... my brother ask me to fix the kipas angin aru kt dinding.. wall fan lah.. hahas.. i'm also a guy who loves to fix things... weehee... umm multi task nak ktekan yeah?.. lols... then now i'm updating my blog coz i have soo much free time!! NOT!

    Nid to wake up at 6.30... got bola training... lerh..then at 3.30 nid go work.. haiyooo till closing.
    haizz.. Mendak perh......

    ~Ez Love Minahh Ketot~
    Don't Leave Me Alone To Rot One Day.
    I Love Uee BBhyyy!!! weeeheee!
    Ku Cintai Kepada Mu!!


    Work Work Work!
    Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 10:43 AM

    Omg. today working at 12.. haizz.. i tot it was 4.. hahahas... 11 hrs work woo?... nice or wat... confirm very tired.. hahas!.. k lah.. nw slacking awhile till 11.30 come.. then i go work.. haiyoooo... nvm lar... wan make a living mah...

    Embaracing momments.. adn Others
    Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 11:21 PM

    well. on last sunday went out with my frends... go cp.. walk2.. umm.. b4 otw to cp.. in bus.. make shuriken... then hrow at my frend miss... kene the women infront.. siting.. she turn.. i then keep quiet... lols?... then she turn back... i laugh along with my frends.. hahahas... umm.. then ltr on... i slip when the bus turn.. omg?.. i was laughing all the way to cp.. in the bus alot ppl look at me sia... omg?.. how embarrassing was that? hahas... haizz... well long time nvr update... Nadra broke up with me with no reason.. and i dunnoe why... dam.. dun wan talk ledi uhh.. long time ledi...

    On the 15th Of March

    I ask Riyah For Stead And Been Accepted.. hahas.. now loving her.. we are both in the same boat..
    hmm.. i msg her while i am working.. soo okayh larh.. and i dunnoe what to say ledi.. hmm.. well i'll update my blog soon if i got time... like now.. hahahas.. tmr work! OMG!...

    Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 6:51 PM

    woah... long time nvr update sia.... actually i malas to update.. but now i got some free time im gona share my experience... well.. on 17,18,19,20 of feb Got chingay... all went back home at 12 midnight... on the 19 and 20 feb, its the real chingay parade.. the rest was just a rehearsal.. on the 20. went back home late... and that time i was like fucking sick... then elly ask me to folo tompang her dad car... well...now... my family kena dengue... well not everyone.. my mom, me big brother and probably me next.. my mom admited to hospital on 22 f feb and till now.. my big brother was admited today because of his low blood pressure.. .. today well doctor again.. take blood test.. its like my 3rd time taking.. together with my bro... last 2 days they poke me on my left hand.. today right hand omg... hahas.. my brother kena poke 2 time.. left and right.. coz on his right no more blood. lols.. no wonder low blood pressure.. hahas..

    Next.. I'm been with this gurl.. who's name is NadraNadhira.. since 12-02-2010. She's sSec 2... and I'm in Sec 4.. lols... we first met on tagged.. exchange number.. then msg... lol.. the weird part is she is in the same skol as me.. hahas... well.. jusr oni took my med... the headache comes on and off sia.. now alone at gome.. well actually not.. got teman..fiz at my house now.. playing guitar hero....

    well there's nothing to talk abt anymore.. if i do have.. I'll update soon.. if i haf some free time

    Ez Demoralizing Every Momment~ Cheers~

    Ouh yah.. Almost forgetting something..

    ~Happy 10 Months Anniversary To you My Dear Aisha~

    PA Pics
    Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 12:55 AM

    Here's Some Pic I took Today.
    I Edited The Pics.